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NeutralAccess13 – User centricity in future mobile networks

The School of Information Science and Technology of the University of Urbino is glad to invite you to NeutralAccess13, the international meeting on user centricity in future mobile networks that will be held in Urbino on October 2nd 2013.


The meeting is included within the seminar activities of the Laurea degree program in Applied Computer Science. Participants will be awarded 0.25 credits. convegno e’ inserito nel programma di attivita’ seminariali del corso di laurea di Informatica Applicata, per 0.25 CFU.

Attendance is free of charge upon registration.

The meeting will start at 10am, with presentations given by:  Paolo Grazioso (FUB), Rute Sofia (Universidade Lusofona, PT), Marana Avvisati(AGCOM), David Valerdi (FON, UK), Paolo di Francesco (Level7), Mauro Boldi (Telecom Italia), Olivier Marcé (Alcatel Lucent BellLabs, FR) and Qing Zhou (Huawei, DE).

At the end of the regular session, participants will have the chance of meeting the speakers during the luch buffet organized at Caffe’ Basili.

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