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2014 – Lipari Summer School on Computational Science

Let’s continue our recap of this last week of Lipari Summer School on Smart Cities.

After the introductory lectures of the first two days, on Wednesday and Thursday, professors Batty and Bettencourt continued to show us their main researches.

Prof. Batty showed us some really interesting projects about urban modelling, with LUTI (land use transportation interactions) models, based on principles of social physics that pertain to ideas about aggregate potential and gravitation (
Moreover he showed us how scale, size, shape, hierarchy for locations and interactions defining systems of cities (inter-urban) and the city system (intra-urban) has not been assembled yet, pointing out the difficulties of fitting these ideas into data and the application to real cities (London in this case) (

Prof. Bettencourt continued his lectures talking us about how cities scales, in terms of population and infrastructures, and how the scaling affects other aspects of a city, showing predictable average properties with size (pdf). This showed us how the cities scaling affects social interactions and how costs of interactions change when the city scales (pdf).

All presentations and course material can be found here:

For the last day, on Friday, we expect students to present their own researches and… a FINAL EXAM!!
Better if I go to study then 😉

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