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Job opportunity at Bruno Kesseler Foundation (FBK)

The Information Technology Center of the Bruno Kessler Foundation promotes a market survey aimed to identify profiles of young people with strong computer skills with a desire to engage in a path of professional growth in the area of research.

FBK will evaluate the profiles in order to establish a shortlist of suitable candidates for specific positions within FBK projects. In particular, we are looking for people willing to work in international teams, attracted by research and innovation, with a spirit of initiative and critical thinking skills.

Technical skills required:

– Education or equivalent experience in programming;
– Good software design and development skills;
– Good knowledge of at least one of the following programming languages: C++, C, ObjectiveC, Python, Java, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, R, Logic Programming (Datalog/Prolog);
– Hands-on experience with standard software development environments either under Unix/Linux and/or MS Windows (TM), Mac OSX (Eclipse, NetBeans, VisualStudio, etc….);
– Good knowledge of English.

Optional technical skills:

– Experience with web development frameworks (e.g. Django, RubyOnRails) and front-end design (HTML, CSS);
– Knowledge of testing and formal method techniques (e.g. propositional and first order,  logics, temporal logics, model checking);
– Knowledge of object-relational database systems (e.g. PostgreSQL);
– Experience with Android or iOS development;
– Experience with one or more the following frameworks: Swing, Qt, Cocoa;
– Experience with geoICT  solutions (GIS, WebGIS, PostGIS);
– Basic of secure programming.

Soft skills:

– Autonomous thinking and problem solving skills
– Capability to adapt to dynamic environments
– Ability to work in team with researchers, designers and analysts
– Creativity
– Ability to deal with deadlines
– Communication skills (e.g. presenting ideas for system improvements)

Candidates are requested to submit their application by completing the online form available at

Please make sure that your application contains the following attachments:

– detailed CV
– cover letter (please specify the programming languages you are most familiar with and use most frequently)

Candidates who, as a result of the evaluation process, will be considered eligible will be contacted for possible employment opportunities over the next 24 months.

Please read Guidelines for selection on our site carefully beforehand

Application deadline: 25th June 2014

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