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Enrollment and tuition

In order to enroll, students must have got  an Italian high school diploma or a foreign high school diploma recognized by means of the so called declaration of equivalence (dichiarazione di valore in loco) released by the Italian diplomatic representative in the country where the diploma was issued.

Students may enroll in person or online from July 20, 2018 to October 11, 2018. Extensions, until December 20, 2018, may be granted for compelling reasons, with an extra payment.

Non EU citizens need to apply through the Italian Diplomatic/Consular mission, according to the rules detailed on the Foreign Students’ Office website.

Types of admission

The admission procedure changes on the basis of your possible previous study experience at university:

1. Immatricolazione, for students without any previous experience at university
2. Nuova iscrizione, for students who were previously enrolled at university, but have left their programs or got their degrees
3. Trasferimento, for students who are currently enrolled in a degree program of another university
4. Passaggio di corso, for students who are currently enrolled in another degree program of the University of Urbino

For “immatricolazione” please follow the online procedure, while in all other cases please contact the Registrar’s office (+39 0722 305225).


The tuition for the degree program for the 2018/2019 academic year will be billed into three installments.


First-year new students who are winners of Erdis study grants may receive full refund of first installment.
Winners of Erdis study grants (enrolled to 2nd or 3rd year) are exempted from tuition .
Students eligible for Erdis study grants are partially exempted from tuition.

Payment methods of the tuition:

The deposit slip (bank MAV) corresponding to the amount to pay can be dowloaded only by registered students who have just completed the online procedure whitin the student information system (ESSE3).

In order to access the Personal Area within the ESSE3, students must use the login credentials received at the end of the online procedure. It is possible to print the bank MAV by clicking on “Pagamenti” under the first level voice “Area Registrato” (on the left of the screen).

Payments have to be made at UBI Banca (Urbino branch) or at any bank counter without any additional charge. The MAV has no deposit receipt to hand out to the Registrar’s Office, because Bank and University information systems automatically handle all deposits. However, students have to keep their deposit receipt to show it just in case it is required by the Registrar’s Office.


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