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Coding is the Language of Smart Things

There are plenty of objects around us that have become “smart” thanks to an embedded microprocessor which is able to understand and execute instructions. All these things need to be programmed in order to know what to do. Coding skills make us able to speak the language of things.

Coding is the fastest and the simplest way to make our ideas come true.

It is recognized that coding stimulates creative thinking.

Creativity is the key for competitiveness.

Based on these simple premises, the Young Advisors Group at the European Commission, together with Vice President Neelie Kroes, have launched the Europe Code Week initiative, aimed at granting the opportunity of approaching coding to as many young people as possible.

The degree program in Applied Computer Science of the University of Urbino is working with the Italian Ministry of Education to organize, promote, and coordinate the events that will take place in Italy from October 11 to October 17, 2014.


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