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SCORE-it: Italian Student Contest in Software Engineering

The Italian Student Contest in Software Engineering (SCORE-it 2015) is a novel Italian initiative inspired by worldwide SCORE, and it will be part of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2015).

SCORE-it emphasizes the engineering aspects of software development, as opposed to a narrower view that tends to reduce the endeavor and process of software construction to mere programming. The competition is targeted to students in Italian Universities at both undergraduate and master’s level. Students are encouraged in forming teams, however also one-person teams are allowed.

To take part in the competition, teams must register and follow the contest rules as outlined below.

After a careful evaluation carried out by the SCORE-it Program Committee, several finalist teams will be invited to ICSE 2015 in Florence to present their projects and receive their awards at the conference.

Futher details are available on Score Contest web site:

Call for projcets (EN):

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