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2014 – Lipari Summer School on Computational Complex Systems – 3rd and last pt.

Friday the last week of the 2014 Lipari Summer School on Computational Complex Systems has been concluded.

For the last days, some students have presented their research works to the class: very interesting topics on traffic load predictions, social networks data analysis and complex systems data modelling.

And to close the works a (not so easy) exam has been subjected to the students, questioning about lectures of the week.

Just a couple of personal opinions about the Summer School.
Firstly, I think that attending lectures about so specific topics, it’s quite a unique occasion, both for students and also for people working in the field: getting to know actual research fields and being able to talk about everybody’s projects and ideas is a very stimulating thing.
Secondly, getting in touch with international students and knowing how research is lead in other european and international universities, it’s something that every student should do, in my opinion, to understand the importance of doing experience in international universities.

A great thanks goes to the organizers of the Summer School and their efforts for letting us have a really great experience.

So, c u next year in Lipari!

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